
A summary of the various services currently offered by ERPCR can be found below. Contact me for more information or with any questions.

  • In order to avoid artworks needing to be treated, preventive conservation steps can be undertaken. ERPCR is prepared to consult about environmental conditions, hanging solutions, and more to ensure that your artworks will be safely displayed or stored.

  • When paintings are damaged or have become dirty over time, they may require careful treatment. ERPCR will do what is required to return them as close as possible to their original state. The artist’s intent will always be respected, and the original materials will not be damaged, covered, or misrepresented.

  • Frames are an essential element for the display of paintings. ERPCR can provide both structural and aesthetic treatment of frames, including antique gilded and wood frames.

  • The first step in assessing the needs of a large collection is surveying the condition of all the artworks. ERPCR can conduct a complete survey of your collection, and provide estimates for any recommended painting treatments.

  • Upon request, ERPCR can conduct presentations about the field of conservation, how to become a conservator, example treatments, and more.